Post by iPokemon on Sept 4, 2011 20:10:59 GMT -5
Recommended for Global/Main Footer<script type="text/javascript"><!-- /* Fully Editable Javascript Affiliate Table v2 written by moneyman18, original idea by iPokemon bytemecodes.proboards.com/ */ var table_width = "700px"; var table_height = "50px"; var affiliates_bar = "Affiliates"; var target = "_blank"; var border = 0; var scrollamount = 4; var direction = "left";
var affs = new Array(); affs[0] = ["Forum Name", "Image Url", "Site Url"]; affs[1] = ["Forum Name", "Image Url", "Site Url"]; affs[2] = ["Forum Name", "Image Url", "Site Url"]; affs[3] = ["Forum Name", "Image Url", "Site Url"]; affs[4] = ["Forum Name", "Image Url", "Site Url"]; affs[5] = ["Forum Name", "Image Url", "Site Url"];
document.write('<table width="'+table_width+'" height="'+table_height+'" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" align="center" class="bordercolor"><tr><td width="100%" class="titlebg" align="center"><b>'+affiliates_bar+'</b></td></tr><tr><td width="100%" class="windowbg2" align="center"><marquee scrollamount="'+scrollamount+'" direction="'+direction+'" onMouseOver="this.stop();" onMouseOut="this.start();">'); for(i=0;i<affs.length;i++){ document.write(' <a href="'+affs[2]+'" target="'+target+'"><img src="'+affs[1]+'" title="'+affs[0]+'" alt="'+affs[0]+'" border="'+border+'" /></a> '); } document.write('</marquee></td></tr></table>'); //--></script>Edit the green to your height and width of your table. Edit the blue as instructed. Edit the red to the affiliate's Forum Name. Edit the white to the affiliate's banner URL. Edit the yellow to the affiliate's site URL.